Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Perfect Classroom

While I was at my Dyad yesterday, I couldn't help but daydream a little bit about what my perfect classroom would look like. What would be on the walls? Would there be lots of borders with colors or would it be relatively plain? Would art work litter the walls or would writing assignments be posted? Would I have a color scheme? Would I have a fully stocked library?

Then I started thinking... Would we be just as excited about teaching if we weren't allowed to decorate classrooms? What if we worked at a school that had no resources for us? I know all of our answers of course are, "Yes." Look at the picture above. Imagine teaching in that classroom in Rwanda. Chalk and black and white number lines. It simply shows how teaching still occurs without the Lakeshore Learning Center. It's slightly hard to imagine isn't it? It's a nice thing to see though.


LO said...

No Lakeshore! It's hard to imagine. I think the reason we are so excited to decorate our rooms is because we want to create the most inviting and invigorating environment for learning. I know when I'm in a room that says "this is a learning environment" then that's what I want to do"

ACarter said...

I have thought about this too. Then I count my blessings that I am in a place that allows me to be creative, especially with my surroundings. As you all know, decorating and interior design is a huge passion of mine (thanks mom). I have so many things I have collected over the year that create a warm and inviting space. I want to enjoy the room as much as the kids do! If I feel comfortable and satisfied among a fun and well decorated classroom, my kids are going to feed off my energy as well.